samedi 20 juin 2020


«In short, in 1929 the heirs of Urbain Tessier dit LaVigne, an original settler of Montreal, brought a suit against the catholic church. The heirs contend that the land which was given to Urbain and is controlled by the catholics, legally belongs to them. The heirs also contend that the catholics destroyed the Will in order to keep the land on which their church is built. The catholics contend the land was given to them for use in perpertuity by Urbain's wife, Marie Archambault. The case was heard by the Canadian Supreme Court which ruled in favor of the defendants, as the plaintiffs lacked sufficient evidence to prove their case (they do not have Urbain or Marie's wills).
Today, the 30 acres of land deeded to Urbain Tessier dit LaVigne in 1654 is prime Montreal real estate on which the Notre Dame Cathedral of Montreal, Place d'Armes and Royal Bank of Montreal sit.
It has yet to be documented that the MN LeBeau's are actually descendants of Urbain Tessier dit LaVigne. Family lore contends that Eva LaVigne LeBeau (and her father, Louis LaVigne) are the link».(1)
(1)(Source Sandimontagna, Palm Coast, Florida)
Article the Gazette, Montreal(Canadian Press) 1929

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